Mon 27 Jan
--P E R F E C T ___ B L O N D E (( heart racing hottie! )) ____ A T T E N T I O N !! -- - 24
(Westside, santa monica MDR bev hills outcalls)
BOOBIE LOVERS 100% real ultimate chocolate pleasure 👉SUPER BUSTY👈 - 21
(East SD County, San Diego, San Diego outcalls 💋💕)
bOObie lovers Specials (☆ ☆) BUSTY HoTTie ((SexiiE CurvS)) AMAZING SkillS!! - 25
(City of San Diego, 0nly 2 u! ready now!!)
Outcalls with an Independant Sweet Asian Lady Come and Have Fun With Me! - 35
(Irvine, Outcalls in Orange County)
***§NEW 2 $a§§y §eXy LaDie$ Visiting Call U§ Now**** 2522205025 - 23
(Nashville, Surrounding area Welcome....CaLL Us)
★★NEW★★ Sexy Latina Mami just arrived !!♡ Available now.. call me **SPECIALS** - 19
(Los Angeles, 105fwy century/ LAX/ hawthorn/ inglewood)
(Available till midnight(~) (~) Lay Back & Relax in my cool AC (~) (~) The One & Only Krissy - 30
(City of San Diego, (Gaslamp) Your place or mine)
✴✴BBW LOVERS & BBW CURIOUS✴️✴️ 100hr SUPER THICK BBW incall Specials💋💋 - 24
(City of San Diego, southbay chula vista 805)
♥· 💕B ε A U † i F U ℓ LATINA💕 ·♥·💕 【SEXIEST】💕·♥💕· •°★ •°⇨ ★•°• 💕·♥· 💕,. - 21
(City of San Diego, san diego outcall)
NEW °= S_E_X_Y == °❤° == **DESIRABLE** == °❤° == T_R_E_A_T = KiLLER BoDY - 21
(Hollywood/101/Sunset Blvd)
❥»* Available * OuTCaL❥ » KiLLeR CuRVEs ❥» SuPeR MiLiTaRy SpEcIaLs!! ❥» - 24
(City of San Diego, san diego your place)
**NEW!! * YoUnG*BlonD * CoLLeGe * CuT!E** - 22
(Fullerton, Los Angeles, Orange County, Pasadena, Rowland heights, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley)
Get what you really desurve💎 Ill take care of all your needs and wants - 25
(Nashville, Lebanon murfreesboro smyrna lavergne)
** Fulfill__ All__ Your__ Desires** 9 A. M.- 8 P. M. *Incall Only $ New Pics $ - 35
(Dickson, TN/Incall Only)
available NOW !!! out calls :* come have fun - 21
(City of San Diego, all of san diego , OUTCALLS ONLY)
AVAiLABLE NoW *** GrEaT LuNCh SPECiALS _ SeXy CHoCoLAtE MiXEd EBoNy * To YOuR SeRviCe *** CalL NoW* - 22
(North SD County, San Marcos InCalls ♥)
🌟AVAILABLE 🌟💕💝 Dominican Asian mixed Goddess🌟❤️🌟 🎁100 Special 🎁🌟❤️Your Ultimate Playmate💋📞 - 21
(City of San Diego, Incall / La Mesa / Available /Upscale, San Diego)
* : * : * Available 24/7 * : * : * Super Kinky Playmate Available in Carlsbad - 25
(North County Coastal)
~*~ New Pics!!! ~*~ Now Offering Outcalls ~*~ Call Now ~*~ Experience Pure Pleasure ~*~ - 24
^~^~^~^ aSiAn DeLiGhT ~^~^~^~^ PeTiTe WiTh CuRvEs ~^~^~^~^ WoW ~^~^~^ - 19
(Clairemont - Incall - Oucall)
Check Out Why I Am The Best Around, Legit, Well Reviewed And Can Prove IT - 28
(Nashville, donalson pike)
**** New MASSAGE **** Hot Asian Girls *** Very NICE **** - 22
(PICO Santa Monica Century Culver City)
💄New IN Town💄🚧Don't Miss Your Opportunity🚧 👙💄A Gentleman's #1️⃣ Choice👙💄💋 - 20
(Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Outcalls to you 👣)
>☆ #1 LATiNA BEAUTY ☆ < * special - 22
(North SD County, encinitas cardiff leucadia carlsbad)
💧✨💫🌟💧🌟💫✨💫-----> > > > > > - - - HoTTiE- - - WiTh An AmaZiNg BoDy - - - - -💧🌟💫✨💧 - 23
(City of San Diego, National City, Gaslamp, Outcall)
NEW### ITS AMBER sweet salvadorian mami ❌❌ 80$ Special💋💋 100% me Well Reviewed♦ amazing Amber - 21
(405Hawthorne inglewood torrance redondo, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Los Angeles)
★ █ █ ★ 50 Specials! I Wanna F..! ★ █ █ ★ - 26
(East SD County, El Cajon/Rancho San Diego)
Charming & Playful ★ All Natural Exotic Bombshell ★ Legs For Days ★ Exotic Mix - 21
(Brentwood/Cool Springs, Brentwood)
NEW OPENING!NEW Girls *NEW MANAGEMENT* Super Satisfied 100% - 29
(Los Angeles, Special19.99/30min29.99/H.DTLA,K-Town)
NEW mixxed BEAUTY and LOVE what I do !! BLACK, asian, WHITE and SPANISH !!! - 21
>> >>SpeCi aLs*s EXy Ear Ly Mor Ning S PeciA ls** Br unEtTe P layMat e**cL ickMe<
>☆ #1 LATiNA BEAUTY ☆ < * $80 incall special - 19
(North SD County, carlsbad oceanside encinitas ♥)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* - 22
(Nashville And All Surrounding Areas!!!)
""""""" FUN & SEnsuAl MAture BBW FOR UR PLeasure """" (:Last week in Philly Moving to Sin City - 51
(Philadelphia, Philadelphia/1200 blk East Hunting Park)
♥ LasT DaY HerE...IlL Be GonE In ThE TonighT So ComE PlaY WitH *K O R I N* ♥ - 25
(Mission Valley/Hotel Circle)
{ ALL NiTE 70 SpeCLS } *•* { BOOTY LOVER'S DrEaM -♥- BLONDE -♥- } *•* { 34DS -♥- SEXY -♥- CURVY-} - 21
(North SD County, OCEANSIDE INCALLS // i-5 ♥ ♥ ♥)
♥ ♥ _______Hey Boys.. Wanna Have Some REAL Fun____________ ♥ ♥ - 19
(All Of San Diego Carlsbad,Poway, Alpine)
****All the reasons why theres no need to look further...*Top Model Goddess, Blue eye Angel**** - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego (Outcalls Only))
°☎° C_Õ_M_P _£__T__£_Y_ °☎ ° _§_Â_T_I_ §_F_Y_I_Ñ_G °☎° C££ ÑÕW 602-904-5035 - 19
(Cool Springs, Franklin, Brentwood, etc)
(¯`★´¯) NEW IN TOWN ★ E_X_O_T_I_C ★ C_U_T_I_E (¯`★´¯) - 20
💎💎💎 @ NEW In TOWN Jessica 21,Cici 23🌟SiMPLy AMAZiNG*))1OO% REAL( ✨HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe) 💫100% HOT Girls - 21
(Los Angeles, Pasadena AltadenaLa CanadaGlendaleSierra)
★ █ █ █ EXTREMELEY HOT EXOTIC LATINA █ █ █ ★Si Hablo Español - 22
(City of San Diego, $100 Outcall Specials!! SAN DIEGO COUNTY)
***** And Nice Knockout Mixed Beauty! ***** - 23
(South SD County, incalls/outcall NationalCity/Surroundin)
&&&&&& Play with my big JUICy 36dd, Spank my big thick booty daddy please!!! - 42
(North SD County, oceanside)
New Hottie in Town! Gorgeous! And Waiting for You! - 19
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, anywhere you want me!)
«««Amazingly Pleasurable Ultimately Unforgettable SEXY PETITE BLONDE»»» - 25
(City of San Diego, san diego)
New In Town Unbelievable Mixed Hottie!! Petite And Sweet CUBAN Delight! INCALL /405 LAX - 21
/*\ _________ /*\ ⚬ LaTeNiGhT TrEaT ⚬ ****** (( CLICK HERE )) ****** ⚬ /*\ ______ /*\ - 23
█ █ ★ 120/Hr ★ TODAY & TOMORROW ONLY! ★ █ █ - 26
(East SD County, EL CAJON/ Rancho San Diego)
~>~> WiLd WeDNeSDaY $$60 sPEcIaLs !! @LL NiTe !! ** 100 SaTiSFaCTioN & PLeaSUrE !
(South SD County, CHuLa ViStA iNCaLL)
(&*)*^)*^ SexY , sEdUcTiVe, BuStY, BLoNdE ...100 // Rose Incall SpEcIaL !!! - 33
(City of San Diego, college area)
AMAZiNg SKiLL Naughty Slutry Delight! Kinky Fun(Experience the pleasure!) {{ N E W ! }} Pt. Loma - 23
(200/100/Incall-Point Loma/MIDWAY DR. **)